Consultation response: Noise assessment required for sustainable permitted development

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Thu, 11/04/2024 - 11:55

Changes to planning rules around air source heat pumps (ASHP), electric vehicle charging and home extensions are included in a consultation on extending permitted development rights (PDR) in England.  In our response, the IOA make the case for embedding acoustic considerations into the permitted development framework, to enable Government to support the wider rollout of sustainable technology while still safeguarding the health and quality of life of communities.

Proposed changes for ASHP include: removing the rule that you can’t install an ASHP within one metre of a property boundary without planning permission; increasing the maximum permissible size of an ASHP under permitted development from 0.6 cubic metres and allowing the installation of more than one unit in stand-alone blocks of flats. Height increases are proposed for electric vehicle chargers and rights for installing equipment in residential car parks. For home extensions, the rights propose allowing for home extensions extending up to the boundary of non residential properties. A working group of IOA members has responded to the consultation, making the case for noise risk assessments as a key consideration in any changes to PDRs.

The IOA believes that protecting existing businesses and ensuring appropriate acoustic design should be prioritised over marginal procedural streamlining. Getting this balance right is essential for promoting housing while avoiding severe noise conflicts that cause residents harm to health and wellbeing and businesses economic harm and potentially a wider harm to cultural prosperity. 

See our full response

Changes to various permitted development rights: consultation - GOV.UK (  


home extension being built