Heat Pump Briefing Notes & Calculation Sheet by IOA & CIEH
Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP) and Ground Source Heat Pumps (GDHP) generate noise and can potentially cause significant adverse effects to people living nearby. With heat pumps being part of the Government's strategy to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, the Institute of Acoustics and Chartered Institute of Environmental Health have worked together on these briefing notes providing information on how to mitigate the potential noise impacts.
The notes set out advice to enable the use of heat pumps as a source of low carbon heating and cooling, whilst minimising the risk that sound and vibration from the units will cause significant adverse impacts or a statutory nuisance to anyone nearby. They Notes provide advice on how to mitigate and minimise impacts, as far as reasonably practicable, so that amenity and quality of life are protected.
The Briefing Note: Heat Pumps provides information for potential purchasers or anyone generally interested in the technologies.
The Briefing Note: Heat Pumps – Professional Advice Note (with an accompanying calculation sheet) is for installation professionals.
The Briefing Notes and Calculation Sheet can be found below
Heat Pumps
Heat Pumps – Professional Advice Note
Calculation Sheet