ProPG: Planning & Noise – New Residential Development

The ProPG has been produced to provide practitioners with guidance on a recommended approach to the management of noise within the planning system in England. The IOA, the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health and the Association of Noise Consultants have worked together to produce the guidance which encourages better acoustic design for new residential development and aims to protect people from the harmful effects of noise.

The guide is available in three pdf files:

ProPG: Planning & Noise – New Residential Development: Main Guidance

Supplementary Document 1: Planning and noise policy and guidance

Supplementary Document 2: Good Acoustic Design

This Professional Practice Guidance is based on the best knowledge available at the time of publication. It does not constitute an official government code of practice and neither replaces nor provides an authoritative interpretation of the law or government policy on which users should take their own advice as appropriate. 

Below the guidance documents are PDFs of the PowerPoint presentations given by the four speakers at the ProPG launch events in Birmingham on 22 June.