Acoustics Bulletin next issue July-August 2020

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Wed, 01/07/2020 - 13:00


The July/August 2020 issue of Acoustics Bulletin will be with members any day now and its content includes:

  • the first column from new IOA President, Stephen Turner;
  • a report on the IOA’s STEM activity  ̶  despite Covid-19 and the near shut down of schools, activity continues apace;
  • how the IOA has been delivering its CPD refresher training sessions to continue to support all its members throughout the pandemic via Zoom;
  • a report on the IOA Parliamentary Liaison Group (PLG) which was given the mandate to represent the IOA in political circles to promote awareness of acoustics;
  • an article on a pilot study that aimed to examine the applicability of the standardised soundscape tools for the assessment of industrial soundscapes, by Gillian Brown and Julija Smyrnowa of The Environment Agency;
  • acknowledging the growth of the smart city ‘industry’ where citizens can easily capture sound level measurements with a mobile phone app, Paul McDonald’s article identifies an area of great potential within the professional sphere in the improvement of noise mapping techniques;
  • when he was analysing a time history of aircraft noise measurements in a residential area, Jacek Kuczyński of Svantek was moved to ask himself: “Can dogs fly?” Read his article on page 52; and
  • we start a new series of legal articles which will discuss emerging case law relevant to acoustics;

The deadline for the next issue (September/October 2020) issue is 30th July 2020 at the latest please. If you have a technical article that you’d like to submit for consideration, please email the editor at (nickyr[at]warnersgroup[dot]co[dot]uk)