Chair: Tomos Jenkins
email: (gjallarhornconsulting[at]gmail[dot]com)
Chair : Mr David Yates
The Southern Branch was established with the aim of providing a local connection between the IOA and organisation members.
Branch meetings are held to provide informative presentations and debates on a wide range of topics related to acoustics. We aim to hold around six evening meetings per year, with an AGM in January. Typically a meeting is held every six to eight weeks, accounting for seasonal breaks and venues are orientated but generally focus around the M3 corridor.
Topics and speakers are typically selected by committee members. If, however, there is demand for a particular discipline to be covered, the committee can incorporate any ideas and suggestions in the annual schedule.
The meetings are free, with tea and coffee provided and registration is requested via online ticketing system. With attendance normally ranging from anything between 20 and 50, the meetings also offer a fantastic opportunity to meet and socialise with other people having an interest in acoustics. Attendees often continue discussions in a local pub/curry house, providing further networking opportunity.
Should there be a topic or speaker you would like to see incorporated into the schedule, please do not hesitate to contact the IOA at ioaioa [dot] org [dot] uk (ioa[at]ioa[dot]org[dot]uk)
CPD certification is available upon request for all Southern Branch events.
If you would like further information regarding Southern Branch activities or have an interest in getting involved, please contact the Chair using the above email address.
Chair: Jack Harvie-Clark (jack[dot]harvie-clark[at]apexacoustics[dot]co[dot]uk)
The Yorkshire and North East Branch (previously Yorkshire and Humberside Branch) was relaunched in 2012 after sporadic activity. The branch aims to hold around four meetings a year at various venues in Yorkshire and the North East. Since the geographical area covered by the branch is very large, we aim to organise meetings in each of the main areas – West, North and East. Each meeting consists of a presentation by a speaker followed by an informal discussion. The branch AGM is held each November and the committee meets regularly to discuss topics for the forthcoming branch meetings and nominate speakers. These meetings generally take place on a Thursday. The committee welcomes new ideas and suggestions for future presentations and plans to formalise the list of presentations for the year ahead. The branch is always looking for help and ideas for presentations and venues. If you would like to help or have any suggestions, please contact the Chair above.
Chair: (Mr Daniel Pope MIOA)
Secretary: (Mr David O'Neill) (dan[dot]pope[at]deltasimons[dot]com)
The South West branch provides a focus for members in the region with the aim of organising meetings across the range of acoustics disciplines. Whilst topics and speakers are usually suggested by committee members we would welcome ideas for future meetings from the wider Branch membership. To aid this we have recently carried out a survey of members in the region and will use the survey responses to inform our future programme of meetings.
Our meetings are invariably free, usually with tea and coffee provided, and as well as assisting professional development also give an opportunity to meet and socialise with acousticians from a range of backgrounds.
One of the difficulties that our Branch faces in encouraging participation is the sheer size of the region with members coming from the entire south-west and into Wales. To put this into context Gloucester, to the north of our region, is almost 60 miles closer to Leeds than it is to Penzance in the extreme south-west! This does mean that our meetings tend to occur in locations which are more readily accessible to the population centres of the west of England and South Wales. However we would be very pleased to hear of any good ideas to organise and promote meetings throughout the whole of the region.
Please contact the Chair or Secretary for further information about the Branch or if you would like to suggest a topic for inclusion in the Branch programme.
Chair: Mr David Trew MIOA (Contact us)
The Central Branch was established towards the end of 2005 to provide a programme of meetings and a forum for IOA members in the Herts/Beds/Bucks and surrounding areas.
We aim to hold evening meetings during most, if not all, months of the year on subjects of interest and everyone is warmly welcomed to our meeting venues (non members as well as members) at various venues throughout the region.
The Central Branch would be pleased to receive offers to give presentations or suggestions for topics. Please email your ideas to the IOA at (ioa[at]ioa[dot]org[dot]uk).
Professional Development, the promotion of acoustics in schools and the interests of young persons in the IOA are strongly supported at the Central Branch by an enthusiastic committee.
Remember, the IOA is your organisation, so make it work for you by getting involved with your regional branch. Email (dtrew[at]bickerdikeallen[dot]com)
Chair: Mr Jody Blacklock MIOA
Secretary: Ms Josie Nixon MIOA
Contact us: (jody[dot]blacklock[at]createce[dot]co[dot]uk) (josie[dot]nixon[at]he-environmental[dot]co[dot]uk)
The Eastern branch was founded in 1987, and we continue to try to provide a varied and interesting series of presentations covering a wide variety of acoustic related topics.
We attempt to hold regular monthly meetings, predominantly based around the Chelmsford to Colchester corridor, but given the geographical area that the Eastern Branch covers, we are open to alternative locations. We love the fact that our meetings are face-to-face, however since Covid, we have also embraced the remote style of meetings, so are always open to holding our meetings as a hybrid meeting opportunity. Whilst our topics and speakers are usually suggested by our committee members, we encourage ideas for future meetings from the wider Eastern Branch membership. We will always strive to hold face-to-face meetings, as this provides a strong foundation for networking with peers and developing through these contacts.
Generally, our meetings are held during the evening of the last Thursday of every month, but this is not set in stone. We aim to hold seven meetings each year, with the AGM usually taking place before the last meeting of the year. We also try to hold at least one social event during the year. More often than not our meetings are free, usually with tea and coffee (and sometimes biscuits) provided.
CPD certificates are available at the end of each meeting and all comers are welcome.
Please contact the Chair or Secretary for further information about the Branch, or if you would like to suggest a topic for inclusion in our Eastern Branch programme.
Chair: Diarmuid Keaney
Email: (diarmuid[at]acoustics[dot]ie)
The Irish Branch was established in 1997 to provide a programme of meetings and a forum for IOA members throughout the island of Ireland.
We aim to hold around four meetings a year on varying subjects in the field of acoustics. Meetings are typically held in Belfast or Dublin, although other venues have been used. Our AGM meeting is normally around February time and alternates between Dublin and Belfast. We have an annual Gerry McCullagh Memorial Lecture in recognition of the time spent by our founding Chair in the promotion and education of acoustics throughout the island.
The Irish Branch would be pleased to receive offers to give presentations or suggestions for topics or visits. Please email your ideas to the Chair.
Make use of the IOA Irish Branch by attending events or organising a meeting or visit.
Chair: Roslyn Andrews
Email: (roslyn[dot]andrews[at]aecom[dot]com)
Secretary: Ben Southgate
Email: (ben[dot]southgate[at]sandybrown[dot]com)
The aim of the London Branch is to provide a regular programme of evening meetings and a forum for IOA members in the London area.
Evening meetings generally take place on the 3rd Wednesday, from September though to June, with a two month break over the summer period. We aim to hold an AGM in January and an annual dinner in November. We also organise an annual half-day visit to an appropriate venue, which in previous years have included Wembley Stadium, Ascot, BRE and the University of Surrey. Confirmation of the evening meetings are posted on the IOA website and emailed to IOA members of the branch.
Committee meetings take place before each evening presentation, with committee members actively corresponding in between meetings in order to efficiently organise a full programme of events in advance.
Topics and speakers for the evening meetings are generally identified and organised by the London Branch Committee, but we always welcome new ideas and suggestions for future presentations. If you have any ideas or suggestions, or may even like to give a presentation yourself, please do not hesitate to contact the IOA at (ioa[at]ioa[dot]org[dot]uk). The evening meetings are always very well attended, with up to 45 attendees in some instances. The meetings are free; there is no need to book a place (except for the annual events, such as the half-day visit and dinner); and they are available to both IOA members and non-members.
If you are new to the IOA or have not attended a meeting in the past, please feel free to make yourself known to a committee member who will be happy to introduce you to fellow colleagues.
Chair: Mr Philip Hainsworth MIOA (Contact us)
The Midlands Branch was established 1995 and has since continued to provide a programme of meetings and a forum for IOA members in the Midlands and beyond.
The branch aims to hold one evening meeting per month as well as the occasional half day meeting or visit. Meetings are held in the East Midlands (Derby or Nottingham) and the West Midlands (Birmingham, Solihull or Walsall) although we would be very receptive to suggestions of new locations/venues.
Each meeting usually consists of a presentation by a speaker followed by questions and an informal discussion where all inputs are welcome. It is traditional for the discussions to continue at a local curry house. We try to cover a diverse range of subjects and all members (and non members) are welcome to attend.
The Midlands Branch committee members meet via teleconference every other month but hold one formal meeting in late Autumn to discuss the programme for the following year. The Branch AGM generally takes place at the December meeting. We are always pleased to receive offers of presentations or suggestions for topics, or venues for meetings. Please email your ideas to the IOA at (ioa[at]ioa[dot]org[dot]uk) marked for the attention of Fiona Rogerson.
Certificates of attendance for Continuing Professional Development records are provided at every meeting.
Remember, the IOA is your organisation, so make it work for you by getting involved with your regional branch.
Chair Mr Mark Hinds (Contact us)
The North Western Branch, or so it appears from the majority of the committee members, has been going longer than time itself, and probably predates the IOA. It has a committee that organises about 4-6 evening meetings a year and the occasional full day meeting. These are mostly held in Manchester with some excursions to other places of interest, and are publicised by meeting notices sent to every member and published on the IOA web site. Attendance at evening meetings is usually about 10-30 people who share in common a love of free butties and a passing interest in acoustics.
The meetings provide a balance between an informal friendly atmosphere where people can network and socialise and a fairly short presentation on a current or specialist subject of interest to members. Non members are also welcome.
The committee of this branch, known modestly by some as the Premier or Presidential Branch, is always interested (or more accurately, desperate) to hear ideas for meeting topics and is particularly keen to involve younger members in the committee. Please do not be put off by the earlier comments relating to the committee.
As well as free food, warmth and shelter CPD certificates are provided at the meetings.
So if you have any ideas, want to get involved, or just need more information, please contact us or just turn up at a meeting like everyone else.
Chair: Anne Budd MIOA
Email: (anne[at]newacoustics[dot]co[dot]uk)
Martin Butterfield MIOA
Email: (martin[dot]butterfield[at]arup[dot]com)
Chair: Harout Taghilian (h[dot]taghilian[at]ramboll[dot]com)
The first Middle East branch meeting was held in December 2022 to discuss the branch vision and strategy for the year 2023 and discuss the remaining committee vacancies.
Thanks to all involved in organising the meeting and the valuable discussions and feedback provided. Special thanks to Hilary to provide a brief introduction to the institute's vision and goals and support with the member's inquiries.
Key focus areas and goals were highlighted, and to be addressed as long and short-term goals for the branch to work on. This covered various topics including increasing awareness about acoustics and the IOA in the region, reaching out to students at different levels and educating them about the possibility to specialise in acoustics, regulations and standards in the region, technical development and acoustic-related education and CPDs, how to grow the branch and have more members. Some inquiries were raised which will be addressed and responded to with the support of the IOA in the Uk covering different topics including but not limited to; training and educational material available online, ME branch member mailing list, and possible speakers to approach for future CPDs from the UK.
The discussion around what the future of branch meetings may look like and how they could be delivered took place as well. It was agreed that the meetings will take place quarterly for the year 2023. Members will be encouraged to attend in person, however, an online attendance option will be provided to encourage more people to attend.