Acoustics A Sound Career 2019

Acoustics is involved in just about every aspect of our lives. ‘Sound’ is a vital component to the quality of our lives, it is how we communicate and it gives us pleasure.
'Noise’, on the other hand, can irritate us, makes us feel stressed and stops us sleeping. The World Health Organization says that excessive noise seriously harms human health and interferes with people’s daily activities at school, work, home and during leisure time. It can cause adverse cardiovascular and psychophysiological effects, reduce performance and provoke changes in social behaviour.
The Institute of Acoustics has produced a supplement for those considering a career in Acoustics which is freely available to download for anyone interested.
For your free copy (please share with those considering a career in acoustics or just starting out), you can download the attached supplement.
Any comments or feedback, please email us: marketingioa [dot] org [dot] uk
You can request a paper copy by contacting us by email: ioaioa [dot] org [dot] uk or call our office on +44 (0) 300 999 9675
You can also write to us: Marketing, Institute of Acoustics, Silbury Court, 406 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 2AF, UK.
Video: Careers Guide