24 hour gym permitted despite residents' noise concerns

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Mon, 30/09/2024 - 15:36

Planning permission has been granted for a 24 hour gym, underneath residential flats in West Sussex, although 74 objections from neighbours were received. Objections cited concerns about noise from music, impact noise, traffic and gym goers during the night. A neighbouring dental practice also expressed concern about potential distrubance. A noise assessment of the proposed development refers to the Gym Acoustics Guidance, published last year by the ANC, IOA and CIEH. The assessment recommends that with number of mitigation measures in place there should not be a noise impact on residents. These include an isolation podium floor, interlocking gym matting and anti-vibration rubber isolation for weights and anti vibration  mounts for cardio equipment to reduce impact noise. The application was granted by Adur and Worthing council who said "With suitable noise controls in place, similar to those required in the previous permission for a gym, it is considered that the impact of the proposal on the amenity of residents will be acceptable."

Full planning documents

Gym Acoustics Guidance

