Acoustics Bulletin September-October 2024 issue available for members

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Thu, 05/09/2024 - 11:41


The September/October 2024 issue of Acoustics Bulletin includes these articles:

•    The article by Dr R M van Besouw, HM Specialist Inspector of Health and Safety (Noise and Vibration), called ‘Regulator cracks down on rogue consultants’, carries a warning that the content ‘may be disturbing to the readership’. If that doesn’t get you racing to page 20, nothing will.

•    We continue to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the IOA. So in this issue for the 2010s, we feature two IOA Specialist Groups; the Senior Members Group and the Sound, Noise and Health Group. (At the end of this year, we will publish a compilation of all the 2024 anniversary articles in a special souvenir supplement, so if you have any memories of the Institute that you’d like to share please email the editor at nickyratwarnersgroup [dot] co [dot] uk at any time.)

•    Were you at ICUA 2024? If not, you missed a treat, so take a deep breath and dive into the report that starts on page 26. Hanne Sagen was one of the keynote speakers and she shared her impressive field experience in her lecture ‘The evolution of multipurpose acoustic networks in the Arctic Ocean’. She described how underwater acoustics can be used for many objectives, from climate change to biodiversity or shipping in these very challenging environments. Now that she’s back from the Arctic where she was carrying out a new field experiment in the Nansen and Amundsen Basin, Hanne will provide the technical article for our November/December issue. 

•    IOA has introduced a new certificate course in soundscape assessment, if it would be helpful to you and your work, turn to page 12, where Chris Barlow spills the beans.

•    The UK has an extensive network of offshore renewable energy infrastructure for wind and tidal power generation to help meet the ambition of a net zero future by 2050. The research article in this issue is by Philippe Blondel and Anna Young from the University of Bath and thanks to UKAN+ funding, they have been able to strengthen a research team to address the feasibility of building and deploying a marine acoustic sensing network, using the UK archipelago of offshore renewable energy infrastructure.

There’s plenty more, but if you feel there are gaps in Acoustics Bulletin and you’d like to see articles on other subjects please contact the editor, Nicky Rogers, at nickyratwarnersgroup [dot] co [dot] uk (nickyr[at]warnersgroup[dot]co[dot]uk)

Just to remind you about our technical articles. Although they are not peer reviewed, they all go through a rigorous internal checking process via the IOA Publications Committee and their panel of volunteer experts. This is intended to highlight any discrepancies in the articles, or areas that may need clarification, which are then referred back to authors for amends.   

The deadline for the next issue (November/December 2024) issue is 8 October 2024 at the very latest please. 

If you have a technical article that you’d like to submit for consideration, please email the editor at nickyratwarnersgroup [dot] co [dot] uk (nickyr[at]warnersgroup[dot]co[dot]uk)

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