The IOA have responded to questions relating to noise in the Civil Aviation Authority consultation on the Future of UK Aviation. In addition to reporting the number of people exposed to aviation noise in the UK, the IOA would like to see metrics reported to cover both the national noise impact, which will be of interest to track progress to achieve DfT aviation noise policy aims and to assist stakeholders affected by noise from individual airports in understanding their noise, how it has changed and how it is being managed. We would also like to see the number of houses insulated to reduce aircraft noise recorded. In addition, we would like to see the noise performance of as many airports as possible reported, given noise impacts are a location specific local issue. We also advocated reporting of noise impact data for each airport, in the context of the throughput each airport delivers, measured as passenger numbers and ATMs. This would facilitate comparison of noise management performance across airports, not in terms of populations affected or overall health effect, but in terms of how noise efficient an airport is at providing flights with minimal impact.
See full response