Certificate of Competence in Environmental Noise Measurement

This five-day course seeks to provide delegates with a basic knowledge of the methodology of environmental noise measurement, including the use and accuracy requirements of sound level meters and analysers and to enable them be aware of the significance of measurement data against the framework of standards and legislation for environmental noise.

Students take the Certificate at an Accredited Centre. Attendance at the Centre is usually for four days, plus the examination day, which includes a practical test. Examinations are currently held at the Centres twice per year, in Spring and in Autumn. Most Centres run the course for the four days preceding the examination date.

Information on accredited centres and the syllabus is available through the links below - please see Centre List pdf file below for contact details of our accredited centres.

For further information on courses at specific centres, please approach the required centre directly. Additional information on the Institute's educational programmes can be gained by contacting educationatioa [dot] org [dot] uk (education[at]ioa[dot]org[dot]uk)

Examination Dates

Examination Date
CCENM 4 October 2024

16 May 2025


IOA Accredited Centre:

Acoustic Associates Peterborough 


email: %20stephenataapb [dot] co [dot] uk (stephen[at]aapb[dot]co[dot]uk)

Bel Noise Courses 

belnoisecoursesatgmail [dot] com (belnoisecourses[at]gmail[dot]com)

Blue Tree Acoustics, Sheffield


email: infoatbluetreeacoustics [dot] co [dot] uk (info[at]bluetreeacoustics[dot]co[dot]uk)

Colchester Institute


email: %20business [dot] solutionsatcolchester [dot] ac [dot] uk (business[dot]solutions[at]colchester[dot]ac[dot]uk )

KP Acoustics Research Labs


email: %20educationatkpacoustics [dot] com (education[at]kpacoustics[dot]com )

London South Bank University


email: lsbushortcoursesatlsbu [dot] ac [dot] uk ( lsbushortcourses[at]lsbu[dot]ac[dot]uk )

Moloney & Associates - Acoustic and Environmental Consultants, Republic of Ireland


email: %20infoatenv [dot] ie ( info[at]env[dot]ie )

University of Derby 


email: m [dot] dringatderby [dot] ac [dot] uk (m[dot]dring[at]derby[dot]ac[dot]uk)

University of Liverpool


email: %20aruatliverpool [dot] ac [dot] uk ( aru[at]liverpool[dot]ac[dot]uk )

Shorcontrol Safety Ltd, Republic of Ireland 


email: %20Stephenatsafety [dot] ie ( Stephen[at]safety[dot]ie)

Ulster Environmental, Co Armagh, Northern Ireland

email: %20ulsterenvironmentalatgmail [dot] com ( ulsterenvironmental[at]gmail[dot]com )

Noise Training SW


email: %20NoiseTrainingSWatGmail [dot] com ( NoiseTrainingSW[at]Gmail[dot]com)