Certificate of Proficiency in Anti-Social Behaviour etc (Scotland) Act 2004 - Noise Measurements
The ASBA course is approved by the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS) and the Institute of Acoustics and relates to the implementation of the noise provisions of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act in Scotland. It is designed to enable successful candidates to make and report the required noise measurements in a competent manner. For those without a prior qualification in acoustics and noise measurement recognised by REHIS and the IOA it is a three day course. For those with such a qualification it is available as a one day refresher course (this is generally facilitated by attending the final day of the longer course).
The three day version of the course seeks to provide delegates with a basic knowledge of the principles, terminology and methodology of neighbourhood noise measurements, including the use, calibration and accuracy requirements of sound level meters and to make them aware of the significance of resulting data within the context of enforcing the legislation.
There is a written examination (Parts 1 and 2; only Part 2 is taken by candidates on the one-day course). All candidates must sit the practical test.
Students take the certificate exams after attending a course run by the accredited training centre, Bel Noise Courses (see contact details below). Course locations and dates will vary depending on demand.Exam dates are typically on a Friday and about 2 weeks after the course end.
Examination Dates
For further information, please contact Bel Noise Courses as indicated below. |
Accredited Centre List:
Bel Noise Courses
Contact: Mr A Somerville HonFIOA
email: belnoisecoursesgmail [dot] com